Getting started

How to make AI music with Suno

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Why I created this

I got tired of wasting my credits guessing at making songs

  • I didn't know you could structure songs with tags like [Bass drop] or [Breakdown]
  • I didn't know you could customize instruments in the song with tags like [synthwave] or [noodling electric guitar solo]
  • I didn't know you could specify lyric style with tags like [Vocal Breakdown], [female acapella] or [Rap Verse]
  • I didn't know proper music terms like [syncopation bass] or [Pre-chorus bridge]

Simple Suno prompt examples

  • A lively fusion of jazz and hip-hop for a story about a painter rediscovering their passion in a bustling cityscape.

  • An upbeat summer pop song narrating a road trip adventure along the coast, with friends, sunsets, and spontaneous detours.

  • A calming acoustic melody accompanying a tale of a lone hiker finding tranquility atop misty mountains at dawn.

  • A spirited Salsa track about a colorful carnival night, told through the eyes of a dancer celebrating heritage and joy.

View more in Example song styles

Simple Suno prompting tips

Avoid being too specific

When writing your simple Suno prompts, avoid getting too specific with instrumentation or sub-genres. For more control over the style and lyrics, use Custom Mode which splits them into separate prompts.

By following the tips on this site using straightforward language and concepts, you'll be generating unique AI lyrics in no time. Experiment with different simple Suno prompts to explore the creative possibilities of this powerful AI tool.

What is Suno AI?

A simple, powerful and flexible music generation tool.

Suno AI is a generative artificial intelligence platform focused on music creation. Launched in December 2023, it allows users to generate complete songs that combine vocals and instrumentation from simple text prompts. The platform, developed by a team from Cambridge, Massachusetts, including alumni from pioneering tech firms like Meta and TikTok, aims to democratize music creation, making it accessible to anyone without the need for musical instruments or previous musical knowledge​ (Wikipedia)​​ (Bing Blogs)​.

Suno operates through two main AI models, Bark and Chirp. Bark is designed to add melodies to lyrics, while Chirp handles the instrumental and non-vocal aspects of music. Together, these models enable the creation of personalized musical compositions, from casual creations to potential chart-toppers​ (Suno AI)​.

For more information, you can visit Suno's official site (opens in a new tab) and explore its features and capabilities.